Welcome to Our School
Colby Elementary School is made up of approximately 425 PreK-5th grade students. Each grade level has 3 sections of students. PreK – 3rd are housed in the elementary building and 4th and 5th graders are housed in the MS building. We have a warm and welcoming atmosphere that you would expect from a small town. We are both a Green Ribbon award-winning School and a Schoolwide Title 1 award-winning school. We have 3 interventionists helping with K-3 core subjects, We are not only committed to teaching our students the core subjects, reading, writing, and math, but also being safe, responsible, and respectful. We have a strong Parent teacher group that provides for our students and adds to our school’s culture.
Early Bird Program
The Colby Elementary School and Little Stars Preschool provide an Early Bird program starting at 7:45 AM (Mon.- Fri.) before school for children who need to be dropped off. The children are supervised and plan for them to either eat breakfast or go outside for recess. DO NOT DROP OFF your children before 7:45 AM, since there is no supervision available before 7:45 AM.
Student Fees
Lunch: Minimum payment of $15.00 per student. Milk break program payments included with lunch account. The Colby School District is now participating in the Wisconsin School Day Milk Program. This means if your PK-4th grade student qualifies for free or reduced lunch they will also qualify for free milk at milk break. Any student that has paid lunch will still need to pay .25/day for milk at milk break. The milk break payments no longer need to be separate from your lunch payments. All milk break charges will now go on your lunch account and any payments can be combined with lunch. If your student is taking paid milk break this year, please make a larger initial payment in your lunch account. Example: Lunch $20.00, Milk Break $22.50= total payment $42.50.